Richard Hayes (biotech policy advocate)

Richard Hayes is Executive Director of the Berkeley, California-based Center for Genetics and Society. He was previously Executive Director of the San Francisco Democratic Party, and Associate Political Director and then National Director of Volunteer Development for the Sierra Club. In the early 1990s he chaired the Sierra Club’s Global Warming Campaign Committee.

According to Bill McKibben in 2004's Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age, Hayes is ”one of the leading crusaders against germline manipulation,” that is, the modification of inheritable human genetic traits.[1] Hayes has briefed United Nations delegates on the need for a global ban on human cloning, and has testified in support of international oversight of human biotechnologies, and against the cloning of pets.[2] He is quoted in a 2002 article in Newsweek International declaiming the "vacuum of leadership," regarding responsible oversight of human genetic technology, noting that "[t]hese technologies ... have developed so rapidly that there is not the type of structure to regulate them".[3] He holds a PhD from Energy and Resources from the University of California at Berkeley.

Selected speeches and publications

